Imagine joining together with people of all ages, with a love of acoustic music held as the common ground!


Boom Chuck Old Time Music Camp is a place to not only learn the basics of acoustic music, but to learn the culture and etiquette of how to play together.

The beautiful, inspiring, energy of learning to play music in groups, cannot be understated.

This is a camp for kids & grown-ups (age 7 and up)

Instruction in guitar, banjo, fiddle, mandolin, singing

- you do not need to read music to be part of this camp!

The location of this camp is at the Kelwood Hall, in Kelwood, Manitoba, home of the Harvest Sun Music Fest. 

Check-in is Tuesday August 13th, at 5pm

Camp ends with the student recital held at the Harvest Sun Music Fest, on August 16th, Friday evening.

Morning Instruction

for starters, beginners, and intermediates, encouraging effective, repetitive learning

Afternoon Workshops

includes Folk Dancing, Singing, and big circle slow jamming

Evening Presentations

will include the student special performances at the Harvest Sun Music Fest. Guests are welcome to attend and enjoy these special performances.

Single camper tuition (age 7 - 99+) - $400

1 meal pass (6 meals- Wed, Thur, Friday lunch and supper) - $120

Family of 4 Meal Pass- $400

Family of 4 tuition- $1400 

Basic No Services Camping spaces available (for free), otherwise this is a day camp.

For more information call Ian @ 204.647.0333




“In my five and a half decades as a writer, collaborator, inventor and musician, Ian Porteous is by far, bar none, the most effective at leading workshops in music, square dancing and storytelling that I have ever seen."

- Al Simmons, Juno award winner, recipient of the Order of Manitoba


"As the artistic director of Harvest Sun Music Fest, I can't speak highly enough of this collaboration. Partnering with Ian Porteous and the Boom Chuck Music Camp to bring high quality acoustic music education and folk dance traditions to the area is a dream come true."

- Nadia Kuhl, Artistic Director, Harvest Sun Music Fest

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